Sunday, July 17, 2016

Abstract Factory and "DI Explosion"

On the problem of creating objects from both stateless services and runtime values, Mark Seemann suggests the standard Abstract Factory pattern while seeming to acknowledge that it may be overkill for simple cases (i.e. say we have a lot of these objects to create, e.g. subclasses of say HystrixCommand, do we really want to create a Factory implementation for each subclass?)

Yes I know this, though in my case I hesitate because for simple cases it's overkill to duplicate constructor with interface, factory, factory's constructor, Create method, etc. While good for complex cases, it's too "DI explosion" for simple things I think. And the question remains about automatic registration DI container. – queen3 Nov 6 '09 at 11:16 @queen3: I understand what you mean, but I'm not aware of any DI Containers that can do what you ask.

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