Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Force Proper Error Handling - via Checked Exceptions?

Forcing the calling code to handle the error right away is the correct approach, because it forces the programmer to think about the possibility of an error occurring. That's a key point. The fact that this clutters the code with error checking is unfortunate, but it is a small price to pay for correctness of operation.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Providing Rest Clients Nearly as Bad as Publishing SOAP Contracts

Even still, many developers and architects have continued to emotionally cling to the SOAP bad old days, wherein the contracts between a server and a client are to be well-defined and strictly-enforced. Semantically-versioned contracts is a common pattern, where the contracts themselves are held in a separate package, and compiled for consumption by consumers. Another is the published “ServiceClient” which exposes all methods and contracts for the consuming clientA to call serviceB. Both are architecturally troubling, because once more these contracts or clients are nothing more than another form of tight-coupling.
Once again, nobody moves unless everybody does, just not in as rigid a format as SOAP provided.

Overly Coupled Microservices

The rule of thumb goes that if a change to one microservice requires the redeployment of x number of other microservices in order for all of them to be successful, then the higher x is, the worse your architecture is.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Waterfall better than Agile without Business Support

For agile to be effective, stakeholders and product owners have to change their behaviors and provide a conducive environment for the delivery team. Else, they should just stick with traditional waterfall because doing agile without reaping the benefit is sheer stupidity.